Friday, December 30, 2016

June's 4th Birthday!

With baby Harrison being due ON June's birthday this year I really had to be on top of my A game so she could have a birthday party this year.  Normally celebrating June's mid-December birthday is an annual bust, being so close to Christmas tends to make things difficult.  So with our added complications this year I knew I needed to strike while I had energy.  Ergo I planned (like a crazy person) a December birthday back in August!  But it was so worth it!  Especially with Harrison deciding he was going to surprise us all and be a NOVEMBER baby it was good that things had already been planned and prepared.  

To say that June is obsessed with mermaids would be a bit of an understatement.  I asked her what she wanted the theme for her birthday to be and after a stare that said "what the heck is a theme" and me changing my question to "what do you like?"  the response was as follows:  "Mom, my things are mermaids, purple, blue, roly polys, lady bugs, birds and roses...and I'm JUST a princess!"  So I took the first part of her sentence and ran with it;).  

I decided that the party favors would be these cute mermaid tail costumes.  I made these using an idea that my amazingly creative sister-in-law came up with.  She has a tutorial featured here, so I was in luck!  I omitted the scales on all of them except Junes and Lucy's (I had made theres first and after sewing around all the scales I decided it wasn't worth it;P).  

Each girl got to find her tail, name-tag and seat at the beginning of the party, they were enthralled!

I put up some undersea decorations so the girls could feel like they were in an enchanted ocean scene: 

The treats consisted of some purple glitter sugar dusted white chocolate star "fish" and tiny pearl sprinkles on cupcakes, grape crystal light, chocolate dipped pretzels and beautiful sugar cookies.

These AMAZING cookies made my neighbor and great friend, Joni.  I had asked her to do these a few months ago and she pulled them off so beautifully.  She does such amazing sugar cookies and all kinds of other desserts and features them on her blog, I could eat and look at her culinary masterpieces! She is amazing!

(side note: I wish I had gotten better photos of these cookies!  I was so rushed right before this party, I only hope Joni got some, nudge nudge Joni;)

I told the girls that these pretzels were octopus tentacles and they were so cute as they made shocked faces and took big ol' silly bites into them...

The cake suffered a little bit by my mismanagement of time.  Running out of time in the end I had exactly 5 minutes to frost this cake so instead of scales she got "waves". However, if I am to be honest it didn't really ruin the effect so I was fine with it (having 4 kids, one a "terrible two year old" and one a newborn I've let go of a lot and realized that some things just aren't that important;)

Things I forgot to get photos of:  We did mermaid coloring pages, fished for crown crafts (see results bellow) and played pin the crown on the mermaid princess.  These girls had a blast, especially this cute little 4 year old...

It was a lot of fun, and what's most important is that we did it!  We were able to celebrate this wonderful girl coming into our lives.  She amazes and entertains us at every turn and I was so happy that we were able to make her dreams come true on her birthday!