That being said, we recently had Lucy's birthday and it was so much fun to plan. She asked for an art party and the wheels in my head did a happy dance because this was something I could get excited about! I love to plan parties (a little too much) which is why I keep my kids to an every other year schedule, otherwise I would go over board...and love every moment of it!
So I kept myself to a budget and a lowlevel stress and it was great! Lucy loved it and her friends and sisters had a blast which is really all I wanted!
I wanted to give it a white clean backdrop and then build the splashes of color from there because really thats what kid art looks like. To make the decorations I simply had the girls go crazy with a lot of art and pattern techniques on a small stack of cardstock (I realized later that I could have used normal scratch, computer or butcher paper though because I ended up doubling it anyway). Then I just cut out large circles using the diameter of a large soup can and putting the circles back to back ran them through the sewing machine to make the garland. Doing circles left a lot of excess paper so I made a tiny garland for the chandelier out of all that (the girls loved that part;) For the table I got a roll of butcher paper and left it plain so it could get more decorated throughout the party as the girls created their art!

The girls loved the photobooth! We played a couple filler games after the painting but then moved on to the photobooth so the girls could let out their silliness with props "in a Pollock-style painting". We then printed them on-site so each girl got their individual picture with one of the group to take home with their favors! The backdrop was just made from a piece of butcher paper that my girls and I went to town on and hung up behind the frame that was attached to a backdrop stand with zip ties. The printables for the props came from here.
By the end of the party the girls deteriorated into pure girl mayhem, dressed in all our dress-up finery from the playroom and dancing to kids-bop pandora station while playing on the piano and throwing the pile of white balloons at each other. It was beautiful and we totally accept that kind of girly behavior in this house;).
Each girl was given a party favor of metallic paint with a rock candy lolipop to match our various paint blob colors, I got all these 12 paints here for under 4 bucks, with no cost for shipping!
Lucy's birthday fell on a Sunday this year and since we were doing the party Saturday we just told Lucy her birthday was Saturday. I just thought it would be easier... I instantly regretted my decision. When her birthday was in the program at church the day after the party and everyone was congratulating her on it I realized I couldn't hide it from her any longer. After I came clean her response was a lot more understanding than I thought it would be and it included an exclamation of "So we get cake tonight too!"
Thankfully I have a wonderful and talented neighbor who also must have been totally in tune with this girl because right when I was about to get into making more cake and frosting she showed up with this beautiful rosette cake for Lucy! It was amazing and Lucy loved it, it was even strawberry, Lucy's favorite! She was only a little excited as you can tell...;)
I'm not going to say that I'm determined to blog more because just saying it will make it a lie;) But I will say that I am done holding myself to the gold standard because I love to do so many things that are fun to blog about so I've realized it's okay if it's just a random blog here and there that may not be a literal masterpiece! Not every time anyway....;)