Once upon a time BJ and I fell in love with a house that wasn't our own. After some soul searching we decided it was time to move on from our pretty little house in the cul de sac. We had done so much work to it but with the arrival of my son, the house was coming in on us from all sides. We wanted somewhere that had more space and more longevity. So we manned up and put our house on the market, it sold in 6 days!
It was a whirlwind. As soon as we had an official offer in hand we were able to move on our house that we had fallen in love with....only they had just accepted another offer. It was a blow to the gut. Our realtor talked us down assuring that there were other houses in the area so we went and looked....and looked....and finally we came up on one, not too far away with a bit of land a good sized house, we put in a full price offer. The sellers came back with the sad news that they were pulling the house off the market. We didn't know what to do at this point. A great blessing came in the form of a rental going up for rent just down the block. If we had to have something in between this would work. Only catch, it was EVEN SMALLER than the house we just sold. In desperation we went for it, even telling ourselves it might be nice to rent, and it would have, had it not been WAY too small.
So we kept looking, even when we would tell each other to quit, bide our time, wait a year, we kept looking. It was like our fingers would search for homes of their own accord, especially when screaming children and Harrison's antics were right up in our face and making our lives miserable. Then one day I found THE HOUSE! Only catch, it was not in the area. We would have to leave our people. It was actually in a super desirable neighborhood, great school district, close to shopping and an alright commute for BJ. BJ was already starting his busy season so it was up to me to go look on my own. As soon as I stepped in I knew it was right, I also knew it was way underpriced and we would need to move fast, and so we did! We bought it in the first day and went up against two other bidders (told you it was underpriced). Thankfully for us our financials were in order and we had been the first bid so we got extremely lucky to only have to come up to the second highest bid as they were afraid the other wouldn't pass during appraisal. Sidenote: it actually would have!
So that is our story of how we left our cutie little house that we put so much love into and found our dream house with great bones and amazing location! It has been an adjustment and this house needs some love but when I look at these pics of the old house from the realtor site I think, we can do it again!